Hypnosis Curriculum
Giovanna Genovese
graduated in
psychology at the La
Sapienza University of
Rome, she has a
background in
Psychosomatic Medicine
and Hypnosis.
she was a member of the
International Society of
She attended – The School
of Clinical Hypnosis “H.
Bemheim” of Verona – The
Biennial Course of
Psychosomatic Medicine
promoted by SIMP with
the collaboration of the
Institute of Psychiatry of
the La Sapienza University
of Rome; & nbsp; & nbsp; –
The four-year course of the
Italian School of Hypnosis
and Erichsonian
Psychotherapy in Rome –
Course in Palermo. He has
published essays,
including “ The sexual
imaginary -potentiality of
equilibrium i ”with
preface by Aldo
Carotenuto and
Presentation by Vanni
Ronsisvalle; and “
Imagining to improve the
quality of life” published
by Firenze Libri.
She was interviewed twice by
RAI for the section “ Health”
and “Medicina 33 ”. She has
conducted regional television
and radio broadcasts.
Some publications & nbsp;
– The essay “ Why do we dream
– how to read predictions and
prescriptions of our dreams
every morning “ , which
proposes easy rules to follow
to obtain from dreams
precious indications on needs
and fears, on the problems we
are facing facing in real life,
about the changes that it
would be useful to make to our
way of thinking and acting.
The autobiographical novel “
It’s possible ” , has the Preface
by Aldo Carotenuto –
supervisor of the writer’s
thesis – and the Presentation by
Vanni Ronsisvalle. The story is
flanked by color images,
analyzes and indications that
convey a positive outlook on
life. It is possible to buy books
by clicking on the menu ” My
books to help you ” – The
collection “ If You Know You
Can Guide Your Thoughts ” is
also on Amazon, & nbsp; 20
handhelds that indicate how
expand the knowledge on how
we are and how our mind and
brain work, to get indications
on what to do to get immediate
results on everyday problems.
She has participated in
International and World
Congresses, presenting reports
on her VA-E
Psychoneurological Model, a
new approach to the rapid
solution of psychological
Presented the reports: A
Vienna ” A case of anorexia
treated with Hypnosis “ al –
World Council for
psychotherapy & nbsp; Austria
Center. In Dublin ”
Psychotherapy and
Neuroscience ” – at Tradition
and Transition 9th. Congress of
the European Association for
At the International Congress
Center of Florence – Helth
Psychology and Neurosciences,
At the Palais des Congrès in
Paris, “ Overcoming
performance anxiety by means
of mental images < strong> ”for
the – World Congress of Sexology,
A Limassol, Cyprus, “ A new
approach in Sex Therapy that
uses Dreams and Hypnosis ”, al
– 6th. Congress of the European
Federation of sexology
The report presented in Paris
was chosen among the best
communications of the
Congress, to be published, in
English and French, in the
“European Journal of Medical
Sexology “ .
The interview on the Report
presented in Cyprus was
published in the newspaper “
Cyprus Mail, The international
daily” .
His psychological model VA-E
focuses on the functioning of
thought through images, with
certainty that we can guide
him to improve the quality of
our vita.
The VA-E
Neuropsychological Model:
1 – what we see and hear, inside
and outside our head, remains
recorded in our brain in
specific neural traces and
emotional areas;
2 – between neural traces and
emotions there is such a link
that images and emotions can
recall each other;
3 – the impulses of our brain
are forces & nbsp; that we can
learn to use through mental
WE CAN act on the images that
our brain reproduces, to
modify the emotions linked to
them, have control of our
thinking and guide our
DETAILED Information on the
Psychological Model: click on
the home image