

1 – Love
We are certain to know what we turn from love, we think to know our needs. Loving then we realize that many things do not match up to our expectations, take space disappointing sexuality, jealousy, fear of loneliness.
The pain is often excruciating, tends to destroy all our enthusiasm, slows our actions affect our thoughts.
Everything is determined by the wrong way of living love, feeling-thermometer of our lives that needs a thermostat that does not allow our behavior to overcome some limitations.

2 Sexuality
Since sexuality an instinct, sexual intercourse should be an easy activity and satisfying, but it often happens that, in addition to not give the expected pleasure is also a cause of anxiety and insecurity.
Inaccurate information about sex leads to seeking the excitement at all costs, this not only alters the perfection of desire, but also interferes with the necessary elements to carry out the sexuality in the most natural way possible.
It ‘important to fight ignorance and misinformation, knowledge gives security, enhances intimacy and directs the pleasure.
In the first part of this booklet we will talk of pleasure in sexual life also deepening the understanding of the influence of environmental and cultural factors.
In the second part we will enter inside our wonderful body-machine, to know how the instinctive components, motor organic hormonal and emotional sensorial of sexuality and pleasure function. Exercises and practical tests, in the third part, teach you how to take control of the mechanisms that make functional the desire and pleasure.

3 The perception
We feel what is outside of us with the 5 senses. Each one, in a way never perfectly identical to others, recognizes and interprets.
Within us we perceive moods, those that motivate us. Some push us to action, others stop us: we produce internal representations; mentally depict the events that happen to us.
To all we try to give a meaning, it will affect the behaviour and social relationships that affect our physical and mental health.
In other words, perception is a continuous, complex interpretation of reality, of things and people that are around us, which then determine our health or our malaise.
We judge the behaviour of others; we give interpretations and judgments by comparing them with our expectations, making influence on our state of mind. Acts of judgment and make us react with sympathy or antipathy, make us feel the desire to get in touch with each other, or to avoid it: generate attraction or hostility. From all this depends on the accepting and being accepted by others.
One can therefore understand the importance of what we offer this little book: understand how the perception, learn to use what we know to overcome the conditioning that day after day, hour after hour coming from the outside world, who is also capable of altering the perception of our desires.

4 Emotions
In each little book is alleged (and in Part III it shall be the proof), it is possible to control and direct our thoughts, that we can learn to change their moods, then directing the behaviour towards positive results, despite the presence of limiting factors such as fear, anxiety, insecurity.
The most significant contribution to our state of mind is given by emotions.
It ‘important to address in the right way the upheavals that can produce emotions, never try to escape it, why do it is to enter into contradiction with ourselves, become bitter, cynical, frustrated.
It’s need to learn how to look inside your soul, able to feel what we feel inside with independence, and then send it to voice or our gestures to those around us.
Knowing the emotions and learn to manage them is the main objective of this volume, behind which lurks the possibility of never losing enthusiasm.

5 Jealousy
It seeks to describe the jealousy, to define it, but above all it would like to establish how such people will be more inclined, which made the produce and what behaviours cause. Generally people jealous are described as insecure, anxious, possessive, jealous, suspicious, irrational, with little self esteem … the list can be longer. Jealousy is a feeling that makes ambivalent: it feels against the interest partners associated with anger, hostility and fear of loss. This causes the recurring thoughts settle, obsessive. Learn to win is the fundamental motto of every volume. Jealousy is a push towards the battle; it is a weapon that if it is not well used becomes destructive. The right way to live instead makes present and ready to face the doubts and the fight; when it does not take excessive or aggressive manifestations can flatter those who are covered. The booklet will teach you to accept others as they are, after having shown how we, in the certainty that in the circumstances of the time, the feeling of acceptance, in any field is used, it makes us feel strong, confident, ready to fight to keep what we have achieved without being influenced jealousy.

6 Dreams and Sleep
At the base of each concept of the book, there is the certainty that the mind, at night, work on the most important parts of our daily lives, giving us through the images of the dream, the opportunity to discover the nature of our feelings and our emotions. The dream is the means by which we can learn more about our current problems, the vehicle on which they travel valuable information pertaining to what might change, the chaotic and confusing pattern of our daily lives. All this reinforces the need to better manage your sleep. Generally, we pay attention to our sleep only when something is not right. The something wrong is sleep that is hard to reach, or is interrupted several times during the night, or you do not get desired. Sleep and dreams are interesting mysterious phenomena to be investigated. then we will speak of sleep trying remedies for insomnia, and dreams to achieve three objectives: – to understand what the needs and fears that are influencing the trend of our waking life; – Find in the dream images, information on what should be changed in our life today, and what must be maintained unchanged; – Read the instructions on how it would be better to take action to reach the objectives defined above.

7 Personality
In principle, we assess someone’s personality by detecting what is able to have good results from the relationship with the other, that is a function of its ability and effectiveness in positively react to contacts with different people in many different circumstances. The patterns of behaviour within the personality definition, is not referring to the fact that a person eats, sleeps or works, but rather as regards sleep, such as distinguishing characteristics has its own way of working, the peculiarities of his way of acting a given environment. We have to think that the understanding of what moves the action, allows for information to use for even understand how others will behave in other situations; others will do the same with us. Among the many details that we will find reading this booklet, there are those related to how the way we do and to be outward, that is, the expression of our personality, are the mirror of our feelings, our expectations, and many other things that sometimes we are not able to externalize openly. Discover some personality traits of others, it can be the beacon that illuminates the right path to narrow the excessive distances, to remove the obstacles that stand between us and those we love and who love us.

8 Drugs – neurosis and psychosis
We talk about drugs and the possible 2 serious consequences : 1 – the neuroses which includes ports anxiety, depression, hysteria; 2– Psychosis among which there is schizophrenia.
It’s proven the existence of psychosis stimulants, just as there are drugs that alter the mind, and which may also be characterized by the different ways in which the mental processes deteriorate and dull the sensitivity.
The psychoactive drugs produce significant influences on the brain that can be helpful, but what they do primarily, is cause altered mental states sought as an escape, who turn away from lucidity in living the life of which we are masters, to make us slaves of illusions.
Some images of the book may be shocking, but see what drugs do to our brain, to know how they affect our mind, our actions, can make it clear to those who take drugs, that the ideology of liberation from uncomfortable realities through drugs , it must be replaced by the desire to free themselves from a deadly slavery. Those who take drugs is not he taking drugs, someone else drugs, and he must oppose this oppression. Ideology is a saturated caricature of death.

9 Hypnosis for all
The booklet will allow you to expand your knowledge and satisfy the curiosities that arise from confusing information on hypnosis.
You will look at hypnosis by several points of view, you will understand how the brain allows us to enter into trans, you will begin to believe that you can modify many of your wrong behavior patterns, in a way that could be interesting as well as entertaining.
You learn how to use self-hypnosis.
Relaxation techniques are among the simplest remedies you can practice at home: require little effort and can be used at any time.
What you call it hypnosis or relaxation technique, what you will learn you will be used to generate new behaviors, that you have no awareness of how and why you did it.
You know a state in which you will feel relieved from the tension, sure to be able to control your self-esteem, so as to create the conditions to free you from the tensions and build rewarding behaviors. Seeing is believing.

10 The paranormal
Alchemists wanted to manipulate matter by creating the Philosopher’s Stone, from which was born the thought Panacea, who had the power to heal all evil and prolong life. They wanted a universal medicine and the transmutation of metals was to be the evidence of the effectiveness of this medicine.
The new pillar of science, “Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed”, he gave the final death to alchemical illusions.
Then came the Psychology, set of philosophical knowledge, literary and religious human soul. Knowledge regenerates itself, expands, and then regenerates again.
Today Parapsychology expands attempting to respond to the needs, widespread and perhaps understandable, supernatural and existential space.
The Paranormal is the need of the supernatural, the need to look at what is beyond the order of nature and the laws of physics. Shows the strong attraction towards all that is knowable through our human capacities, we are attracted by events that are beyond the natural laws, as may be miracles. The need to give more space to the existence includes spirits, magic and occultism.
The booklet, also aspiring to something scientific, shows some unexpected sides, look with new eyes some phenomena that were previously relegated to the land of fantasies, of pseudo-science, the occult sciences. Also we enter in Esotericism, which generally regards the teachings reserved to the followers, who had to avoid the hidden truth disperse. From them we will borrow the Tarot, we will learn to read the cards for a game that was once much more than a pastime.

11 Learning
We can define learning: the process by which we acquire new knowledge, which can be preserved over time due to memory; transmission of culture from generation to generation, vehicle behavioral adaptation, powerful force of social process.
The aim of this booklet is to encourage the reader to investigate and think intelligently, to find in the push towards knowledge, a pleasure that once tasted can fill life.
Propose learning strategies, rules to decrease fatigue studying, but what has been read loses importance, each page can be torn up, if you put the base on one condition: the willingness to learn, secure in the knowledge that learning is acquired power, increasing capacity and space …. invulnerability.

12 Stress and Illness
All we hear about events or situations that, being closely associated with unpleasant emotions, produce a state that continued over time, due to what is called stress.
In other words, it seems that uncertainty, the fact that what we expect will not occur, the forecast of the inability to deal with an event that has to happen, being subjected to various stimuli with no possibility of rebellion and many other more situations or less similar, induce in the body those emotions and tensions, which are part of what we generically call disease by stress.
Emotions, stress, illness seem connected by precise ratios that is good to know to learn how to defend themselves. Reading the booklet we will know:
– What is that influences our internal environment and external responses, making us feel overwhelmed;
– How the different body’s biological systems react to stimulation of what we call emotional stress. It will be clear that stress reactions are not always cause disease, but they can be so in special circumstances you should know better;
– The third part of the book will indicate the best course of action, using strategies that we can put in place to better manage emotional reactions, and to control chronic stress condition that can direct you to the disease.

13 Fear
The basis of what you read there is a conviction: if we have an awareness of our personal characteristics, our way of being, if we realize how external influences have affected and constantly affect our peace of mind, if we understand that our life without such pressures would be better at any time, each of us can escape their assault.
Today more than ever, we need this certainty to be able to face the fear, anxiety and their emotional charge, whose strength can dominate the lives of each of us.
When the threshold of fear rises, we become hypersensitive to any alarming situation, we enter into a state of widespread insecurity; assails expectancy restless, vague threats.
Rarely fear has no connection to the environment in which you live, some have a sneaky start at an early age: not having consciousness, we bring in without realizing it, until they become a difficult burden to bear. It replaces the need to lighten, and we feel that it is essential to find something that manages to make us take the peaceful road.
Certainly the knowledge of what fear is that this booklet will not need to eliminate the tension, but you know how it works, and offer advice on possible strategies to loosen it, allows the monitoring of emotional states and reduce the sense of helplessness. Underlying all is the magic word I CAN.

14 Religions
Religion revolve around the word three elements: faith, practice, or the cult, the ritual, a duty, a religious obligation, and spiritual experience.
Faith and practice of religions foundations raise many questions. The faith of those who should be considered? One of the priests, lay people, men or women and children, the specialists? Religious practice is ethics, that is, the complex of moral norms and customs that identify our specific behaviour? If we are religious, we follow the moral? If we live in the respect of morality we are religious?
In dealing with religion it is sometimes neglected the spiritual experience, that inner experience that gives the perception of being chosen by a higher being, to be in touch with something greater than ourselves.
The person, who lives this experience, perceives it as the most important thing in his life.
Such religious experiences did not remain an individual matter, but they gave birth to great collective movements.
It is not for us in this volume discuss the truth or falsity. Our goal here is only to know, by adhering to the concrete, trying to figure out what others discuss, and then, if desired, to build or strengthen our Creed.

15 The behavior
If we want to give meaning to what we do, we have to find a way to deepen understanding of what drives us towards certain actions rather than others; we must try to discover the reasons why we do so many things that harm us, and a few that help us in the fight that day after day, we must undertake with the behaviour of others.
Surely we do is tied to what is happening around us. But our actions are not directly and simply related to external stimuli, we do not act solely because from the outside something pushes us to do so, the causes of our actions are varied, complex and depend also on what happens inside us. There seems to be sometimes something that drives us.
One of the concepts, knowledge of which cannot be ignored, if you want to approach the subject conduct, must relate to the theme of awareness, that mindfulness, energy that helps us to recognize and accept what exists, what is the time this happens in us and around us. Awareness creates inner calm, improves the capacity for discernment, and allows you to act and react better in different situations.
From here will start our investigation on the behaviour, without losing sight of the goal that we always say: learn to make better the quality of our lives.
Learn more about the functioning of our actions, we will certainly help us to learn how to direct them, not losing sight of what is of prime importance: the relationship with others. To act, to give and to receive understanding, support and knowledge.

16 The Psychoterapy
The path of Psychology is marked by a continuous succession of theories, of reworking of themes, uses extracts models from other disciplines.
What are its aims?
Psychology is a science that studies human behavior, also as a mental activity as well as a response to the facts of daily life. Try to find out why people act in certain ways, and then help them to understand and manage themselves.
The psychological information now spreads in a very wide arc. It can be said that there is no place where someone, even devoid of psychological training, not to be set in a more or less fanciful narratives of flower in the garden topics from psychology. Using psychology topics in elementary school, an example is the interpretation of children’s drawings; in the Upper School faculty engage in talks psychological balance, on problems in the field of sexuality, the conflicting relations between adolescents.
There is no training course in which is forecast descriptions, if only introductory, or Bion’s theories of Freud. Television and radio doth information on psychological disorders, which sometimes daua bit of accurate knowledgenting aspects and mainly come from psychiatrists ready to pouring out drugs.
Certainly a bit of accurate knowledge is useful, but before reading the booklet must be prepared to feel a little’ dazed.
The first part will have information on some areas of psychology: are incredibly numerous.
In the small volume of space you can not, nor want, to enter into the intricacies of centers and associations from which you can form or undergo psychotherapy: there are more than 500.
In the second part we will discuss the psychotherapies, many of those mentioned they branch out other, they seem to grow like mushrooms.
In Part III, you will find only a few detached, simple comment on which you will have to reason.

17 Communication
In this booklet we will take a walk on the vehicle as the manifestations of human relationship that is, verbal communication and non-verbal.
We communicate not only with words but also with gestures, facial expression, and the inflection of the voice, the rhythm and cadence of the words. Often we are not aware of what we are communicating, and who should understand the message could not give exact interpretation. We should think when we have risen others feeling misunderstood.
Knowing how to read the non-verbal messages, can be used to plan the conduct aimed at achieving a goal, it can help predict possible behaviours of others, and may indicate how to manage productively answers.
We must add, that while you can lie with words, we can hardly do it with the non-verbal language. The success in relationships is also determined by knowing what the other person would not want to know.
You understand then, how important it is to learn the art of communication: knowing how to choose the messages to be sent, to know what to say, even without speaking, and knowing how to respond to what the other says. Sometimes what is not said, and destructive conditioning is more than a slap or insult.
In volume strategies are described to manage the phenomenon of human communication that are the basis of every satisfactory report.

18 Adolescence and Middle Age
The booklet gives valuable information about which occupies important place in our lives adolescence. We do not know exactly what are the physiological processes that the body has to deal with, how you perceive things, what are the patterns of thought at this age, they are pressing the push to act and conflicts; But we know that a lot originates and develops from childhood.
In this booklet, in Part One Thing is, you gain insight into the issues adolescence and adulthood. In the second part it clarifies the influence that the experience of childhood.
Teenagers often now earn the mark of the rebels, activists, radicals or protesters. Many factors contribute to determine their dissenting point of view; the concept that binds not necessarily what is qualified deviant. Some types of life so defined, are chosen by young people in an effort to develop their identity.
In the search of the sense of identity and value systems are consistent with it, many teenagers doubt, not only the models that have parents, but also the goals and the values proposed by the society of our time, suffering and procuring malaise.
Most young people look brilliantly to reach the adult role, tends towards an integration into social life using the intelligence and not losing hope.
They will determine new problems in middle age. He speaks in the third part. At that time life was in front of an important choice between activities and disengagement, which will be balanced if this will make for a good old accepted.
These concepts are clearly stated in the booklet. Not only is referred to the young, the parent who reads it will be helped in his task more difficult: to educate loving.

19 Aggressiveness
Today more than ever, it is very important to identify the causes of aggressive behaviour, in the hope that the knowledge to follow the remedy.
You have to put in the foreground, the idea that there is a intraspecific aggression system, that is, between individuals of the same species, which can be activated in various ways and that can enable us to overcome the obstacles we encounter, to dominate a given situation or other people not losing our characteristic of being HUMAN.
The word aggression in the sense you can think of attacking, or can be understood as to face a challenge. In the latter case we are close to the word face. We might as well say that it attacks a difficulty, and you deal with a task.
In any case it is to enforce their wishes on certain elements, to overcome an obstacle strongly using the fight or threatening behaviour, but it is not only an interaction with an opponent who should be subject, banished or killed.
Aggression may be caused by something that comes from outside, or by processes that take place in our bodies.
It’s necessary to clarify and expand these issues, because, aggressive phenomena of mass society increasingly disturb our peaceful coexistence. In the second part of the book they will also deepen their aggressiveness physiological basis, which are the prerequisite for understanding the boost that uncontrollably, become a disorder of behaviour, threatening the existence of the person who implements and who receives it.

20 Memory
Plato said, that the wise man’s life is but a continuous effort to remember.
Freud used to assert that the wise or not, in the core of who we are what we do, there is the ability to remember.
In reality, we draw from memory all the meanings of what is inside and outside of us. Every emotion, every feeling presupposes a memory.
But it is also true that our store to consult sometimes betrays us, some memories fade away, escape us dates, names, and sequences of events.
Freud also said that the healthy man often forgets.
In fact, forgetting is good, serves to remove from the mind unpleasant things, can help restore time compared to the important deadlines of life. Forgetting can be an act of will; There is the art of forgetting. We tend to remove from consciousness, scenarios or feelings of the past that have had a negative connotation.
The past may haunt us.
From a strictly physiological level we do not forget anything, everything is deposited in our memory; although we can not remember everything, you can do a voluntary action on the oversight process, and there are strategies for remembering.
The main interest of all of us is focused on keeping alive the memory. E ‘therefore necessary, learn more about what it is, how it works, How to use everything that we are advised by the experts.
The three parts of this volume we will signal the high road